Pano2VR Key Command User Interface
This is a project I’m working on to see if I can develop an interface that uses only the Pano2VR Key Commands to navigate through a Virtual Tour. I would appreciate any feedback and comments on the work so far.
The concept provides an overlay for existing tours that access the different functions already created in the skin.
A working version can be viewed at
Click on any image below to enlarge it.
Update 25th August #1: I’ve just published a new version that includes a Move To action when selecting a hotspot link from the Video or Gallery list. This moves the panorama to the position of the hotspot and then opens the relevant video or gallery. In this way content can be associated with a location in the panorama node rather than just appearing on top of the node.
A working version can be viewed at
Update 25th August #2: I’ve been testing out an Eye Tracker app called Hawkeye Access. There is an app for the desktop and for the iPhone and the iPhone acts as the camera and tracker. The desktop app provides an optional control bar that allows you to drag the panorama around by moving your eyes. The Accessability keyboard allows the user to select keys by looking at them and making a face gesture.
Start Screen with options for Mouse or Keyboard. Keystroke ‘K’ to activate keyboard mode or keystroke ‘H’ for help. Only the keystroke command can activate the Keyboard mode.
Popup showing the Keystroke commands. The ‘H’ keystroke is available on all pages
3. Keyboard mode showing the Thumbnail button, Help icon and Last Keystroke button. (small key in bottom right)
4. Keystroke ‘M’ to open/close the Thumbnails
5. Keystroke ‘R’ to move forward through the previews, Keystroke ‘L’ to move back through the previews
6. Keystroke ‘E’ activates the link to the node
Note: The second node contains YouTube video popups and information popups. This is indicated by the Youtube Video icon and the Information Icon.
7. Keystroke ‘V’ opens/closes the Youtube Video list. This example it is showing two video options in this node
8. Keystroke ‘1’ opens the first video
Note: the interface, with the exception of the key graphic and related elements, are hidden. The numbered icons show which video is playing. Keystroke ‘P’ will pause the video.
9. Keystroke ‘2’ plays the other video
10. Keystroke ‘X’ exits the video back to the Youtube Video list
11. Keystroke ‘V’ closes the Video list and shows the information icon
12. Keystroke ‘i’ opens the Information popup list
13.Keystroke ‘1’ opens the Information popup (an implementation of the Responsive Gallery Text component)
14.Keystroke ‘R’ opens the next image in the list, keystroke ‘L’ takes you back
15. Keystroke ‘T’ expands/contracts the text if it is in a scrolling field.
16. Mouse mode is a standard Pano2VR interface