This update includes a change from the Opacity filter to a Saturation filter and the added functionality of the Splashscreen, allowing for the display of a designated image that fills the browser viewport.

Before the update, the Splashscreen operated in two modes: Node (Version A) and Small Image (Version B). These modes still exist but have been updated, and in the case of Version B, new functionality to display Fullsize images was added.

Version functionality is still managed via the Edit Skin Configuration window.

Node (Version A) Desktop Sample

This version uses the first panorama node as the background. Overlayed over the panorama is a CSS Filter effect Blur, and on top of that are the Logo, Title, Description, Enter button, and Language buttons. 

Visibility and attributes of the elements and effects, except the Enter button, are optional and managed via the Edit Skin Configuration window.

Version A Desktop with Logo, Text and UI elements enabled

Node & Small Image (Version B) Desktop Sample

This version uses the first panorama node as the background. Overlayed over the panorama is a CSS filter effect blur, and on top of that is the small image (note the text is part of the image), the logo, title, description, enter button, and language buttons.

Version B Desktop with Image. Logo,and UI elements enabled

Updates (Versions A, B & Tour): 

  1. The "Tour Screen Opacity" and "Splash Filter Opacity" styles in the Edit Skin Configuration > CSS FILTERS and > SPLASH SCREEN have been replaced with "Tour Screen Saturation" and “Saturation Strength” and a "Splash Filter Saturation" added respectively. .

Note: This offers more visual options than the opacity function which was essentially the same as the tint function

ESC CSS Filters

ESC Splash Screen

Version A Desktop with Saturation Value = 5

The Version A Splashscreen samples below demonstrate the value of Saturation from 0 to 5

Note: to show the Saturation effect the change covers only 50% (left) of the browser viewport.

Splashscren Saturation = 0

Splashscren Saturation = 3

Splashscren Saturation = 1

Splashscren Saturation = 4

Splashscren Saturation = 2 (normal)

Splashscren Saturation = 5

Fullscreen (Version B) Sample

I have added a new option in the Edit Skin Configuration > SPLASH SCREEN, "Splash Version B Image Fullscreen". This provides new functionality whereby the “Splash Version B Image” is used on the splashscreen filling the browser viewpoint as it resizes.

Desktop Version B: Fullscreen - taman_plain.jpg

Desktop Version B: Fullscreen - flower_woman.jpg


The image below is the splash screen for a new tour of Myanmar 360˚ panoramas. The tour includes additional updates covered in ADDENDUM 3. UPDATED MENU IMAGES & THUMBNAILS

Note: The logo image now has a tooltip assigned to it.