A Clean Start

The Clean Start blog will examine the RPGTV2024 Project Folder and the subfolders and files it contains.

We will output a basic project using these settings described in the post, which will be the base project for the ongoing posts.

Note: Click on any image in a post to enlarge it

Note: This project has been designed to run on Pano2VR Version 7.1.1a

Project Files

Let's start by reviewing the project folder. Inside the RPGTV2024_Project folder, there are 10 main folders;






  • *RPGTV2024_360_PROJECTS






**RPGTV2024_CLEAN_START: This folder contains a Clean Start Project (.p2vr) file. It contains a test panorama from Myanmar and a set of asset panoramas containing hotspots covering all the popup options.

**RPGTV2024_LANGUAGE_CLEAN_START: When we create our language translations for the Clean Start project, we will save the PoEdit files here.

**RPGTV2024_LANGUAGE_TAMAN: When we create our language translations for the Taman Festival project, we will save the PoEdit files here.

**RPGTV2024_TAMAN_FESTIVAL: This folder contains an alternate project, Taman Festival. It is based on a tour of an abandoned amusement park in Bali. This will be used in posts covering the Fixed buttons, floorplan-map button, and SVG map.

**RPGTV2024_UNIVERSAL_SKIN: All the projects use the same skin (.ggsk). Having a single skin means modifications will automatically be available to both projects.

*RPGTV2024_360_PROJECTS: This folder contains a project, skin file, and assets to create the 360˚ video elements in the 360 & Linked Video assets panorama. We will cover this in a later blog post.

*RPGTV2024_ASSETS: Everything from Audio files to Fonts to Logos to Maps is here. These assets are used primarily in the Hotspot Popups, but some will be used in other skin elements as we progress through the tutorial.

*RPGTV2024_CLEAN_START_OUTPUT: The output folder is set in the Clean Start Project.

*RPGTV2024_TAMAN_FESTIVAL_OUTPUT: The output folder is set in the Taman Festival Project.

*RPGTV2024_TO_UPLOAD: The contents of this folder are loaded into the Assets/Files or Folders in the Properties - Web Output/Advanced section,

The Project (p2vr)


From the **RPGTV2024_CLEAN_START folder, open the RPGTV2024_CLEAN_START.p2vr file.

Note: You may need to reconnect to a number of files including the panoramic nodes and the skin

In the image below, several areas of the Project are highlighted.

  1. The Output Folder is *RPGTV2024_CLEAN_START_OUTPUT

  2. The Skin is RPGTV2024_SKIN_0606.ggsk

  3. Live Update is active

  4. The Black panoramic node is the start

  5. A sample Panoramic Node (Streetfood)

  6. A group of Panoramic Nodes contains Hotspot examples of the popup functionality. We will examine their use in a future post.

Note: The black start panorama is used as a loading screen. Once the certain elements of the tour have loaded the tour moves to the first panoramic node in the Tour Browser (#5)

Properties - Web Output.

Open the Properties - Web Output panel.

Open the HTML dropdown; the Template file is the 240205_Social_2values.ggt

Note: if you don’t have that .ggt file you can find a copy of it in the *RPGTV2024_ASSETS folder under GGT Files.


In the Advanced section the Assets/Files or Folders the folders from the *RPGTV2024_TO_UPLOAD folder have been added to the list.


Edit Skin Configuration Window

Open the Edit Skin Configuration Window. Most entries are empty or unchecked except for the following default settings.

Generate Output (Publish)

Save the project as 1_RPGTV2024_CLEAN_START.p2vr

Now we can generate our first output to see the Clean Start tour

Note: While the elements of the tour are loading you will see an animation on the black background.

After the tour elements have loaded the black screen transitions into the first node in the Tour Browser. At this time, the only interface elements are the Previous/Next Buttons.

Clicking the next button takes us to the second Panoramic Node, the Responsive Gallery Popups. Each icon displays variations of the same content, with simple versions on the top row becoming more feature-rich toward the bottom.

Mousing over one of the hotspot icons (lower right), the text string provides information on the settings for this particular hotspot. In this case it’s Multiple Image + Slide Title + Bg + Headline + Description (large) + Shadow + Corners

Clicking on the Hotspot icon reveals the Gallery Popup and hides the Hotspot and other UI elements.

Now, we are ready to start putting our Virtual Tour together. The next step is the Splash Screen.