Custom Properties Overview

Updated: 5 Feb 2023

This is the current Custom Properties panel used in the development of the samples shown in this article. As of 5 Feb 2023 35 Custom Properties that can be applied to the Gallery, Information, Video or Web Hotspot Templates.


Aspect Locked: if true locks in the Aspect Ratio defined

Aspect Ratio: sets the ratio of the popup window

New: Alternate Images: offers an alternative image in responsive popups based on browser aspect ratio (available on Desktop and iPad)

Gallery ID: identifies the folder of images to be used in the popup gallery

Headline: the headline for the popup

New: Show Headline: shows/hides the headline

Description: the description text for the popup

Show Description: shows/hides the description

Set Description Size: changes the vertical height of the description block

Number of Slides: sets how many images to be shown in the gallery

Slide Titles: individual slide titles

Show Slide Descriptions: sets wether or not to show individual slide descriptions

Default Anchor: if true sets all image anchors to center

Slide Description #1-5: individual slide description text

New: Alternate Slide Description #1-5: shows alternate slide descriptions when Alternate Images is true

Slide Anchor #1-5: individual slide anchors

Video Type: sets the type of video format

Video ID: the ID of the video from Vimeo or YouTube

Web View: sets the web view to open in tour or externally

New: Web Type: allows a different Hotspot Template icon to be selected

Web Target: where the external web view should open

Web URL: url of the website to be loaded

Bg Shadow: sets a background shadow to the popup

Round Corners: applies rounded corners to the popup

Border: applies a border outline to the popup

Popup Headline, Text, Slide Title, Background Color: sets one of 17 predefined CSS colors to the element.

New: Audio File: the audio file to be played (mp3)

New: Audio Enabled: adds an audio control button next to the close button on all popup types

New: Audio Loop: loops the audio

New: Audio Auto Start: if audio is enabled in the browser the audio will automatically play when the popup is opened

New: Audio File: Audio File Alt: an alternative file to be played based on the current skin language