Gallery Popup Landscape #1

Version: Landscape, headline, images and slide titles

Note: On the desktop and iPad the popup is shown in landscape regardless of the browser/device aspect ratio. On the iPhone the popup is maximised for the window. The Gallery popup #4 displays a headline, up to 5 images with slide titles.



Type: URL

Skin ID: rpgtv_gallery

Title: Bamurru Plains (tooltip)

Aspect Locked: true

Aspect Ratio: landscape

Gallery ID: bamurruplains

Headline: Bamurru Plains

Description: body copy

Show Description: false

Set Description Size: false

Number of Slides: 5

Slide Titles: Salt Water Crocodile<br>Oriental Darter<br>Water Buffalo<br>Top End Taxi<br>Brolga

Version: landscape, headline, images and slide titles with styling

Note: This version has background shadow, round corners and a border enabled.



Note: the settings are in addition to the ones above

BG Shadow: true

Round Corners: true

Border: true