Video Popup

Version: Fixed Ratio, YouTube, Vimeo and local file

Note: The video popup has a fixed ratio regardless of the aspect ratio of the device or browser. The video player has a fixed ratio of 16:9. The description box can be reduced to accommodate single lines of text.


Type: URL

Skin ID: rpgtv_video

Title: The Northern Territory

Aspect Locked: false

Aspect Ratio: blank

Headline: The Northern Territory

Description: body text (single line)

Show Descriptions: true

Set Description Size: false

Number of Slides: 0

Video Type: vimeo

Video ID: 223994773

Bg Shadow: false

Round Corners: false

Border: false


Type: URL

Skin ID: rpgtv_video

Title: Bamurru Plains

Aspect Locked: false

Aspect Ratio: blank

Headline: Bamurru Plains

Description: body text (multiple lines)

Show Descriptions: true

Set Description Size: true

Number of Slides: 0

Video Type: youtube

Video ID: hVwIFJKIlmE

Bg Shadow: true

Round Corners: true

Border: true


Type: URL

Skin ID: rpgtv_video

Title: Mitsuaki Tanabe Carvings

Aspect Locked: false

Aspect Ratio: blank

Headline: Mitsuaki Tanabe Carvings

Description: body text (multiple lines)

Show Descriptions: true

Set Description Size: true

Number of Slides: 0

Video Type: file

Video ID: tanabe.mp4

Bg Shadow: true

Round Corners: true

Border: false