One of the most interesting places, and one I would love to go back to, was the abandoned Russian submarine base at Broutana Bay, Simushir in the Kuril Islands. This panorama was taken on the third floor of one of the base buildings. It must have been a meeting/presentation room as there was a small projection booth on the back wall. The room is dominated by the large mural of Lenin on the front wall.
Unfortunately someone has forced a door open that was in the centre behind it, which has taken some of the mural down.
Current state of the mural wall
I was fortunate to be travelling with three of my friends on this trip the renown photographer Nick Rains and videographer Pieter de Vries as well as one of the most knowledgeable men I've ever met David Scott Silverberg.
This was taken as we sailed out of Otaru harbour in Japan aboard the Orion II bound for the Kuril Islands.
Left to right: Peter de Vries, Nick Rains, Dr David Silverberg and yours truly.