Denis Smith - Light Painting Workshop

Denis Smith - Light Painting Workshop

On a cold winters night, in a funky warehouse in Port Adelaide, I joined over a hundred other people to hear Denis Smith talk about his passion for photography and light painting. It was one of the most enjoyable workshops I have ever attended.

Leica PMA* App Project

Leica PMA* App Project

The Leica project involved creating a small iPad app that would allow visitors to the Leica PMA booth to register for a competition via one of two iPad kiosks. A critical issue in the brief was that entries would be automatically recorded and available for export in a .csv format. 

Kimberley Photographic Workshop

It's 8am on a beautiful morning and I've just finished a week long workshop with Nick Rains and Christian Fletcher at what must be one of the remotest areas of Australia, Home Valley Station, in the Kimberley. 

For me it was an opportunity to take some photographs of the guys at work, to try out some of my new gear including my Nodal Ninja Pole  and my Freedom 360, 360˚ Video Panorama rig. On Friday morning I gave my presentation covering all things panoramic from hardware through to tablet publishing showing examples of pole panos and 360˚ videos.


Shooting at the, dry, Bindoola falls using the Nodal Ninja pole system with tripod attachment. 

The workshop was a great experience. Meeting Christian for the first time and seeing both of them in action, patiently explaining how they achieve the stunning images that are their hallmarks. 

I've got hundreds of images to sort through, panoramas to stitch and I'll add some more shortly. Right now it's time to finish off some projects while I'm stuck in transit on the way back to Sydney. 

Nick and Christian have just left for Perth on the early morning flight. Me, I'm taking a more circuitous route via Broome to Perth and then onto Sydney. All in all, 24 hours of travelling!