On the 3rd day we left Yogyakarta to head to Borobudur. Nick and Janelle had booked a room in the Manohara hotel, the closest hotel to Borobudur temple itself, but by the time I went to book the hotel was full. I started searching around and I came across a blog by a chap called Koh Chong Hui, about a small, 4 unit hotel situated in the middle of the paddy fields. The blog, online at http://chonghui.net/?p=2506, really sparked my interest in the hotel and I made contact with Medi, the owner, and booked a room for Kelly and myself. I passed on the information to the other about our find and they changed their booking and we secured another of the units. I have to say, our stay at Rumah Dharma was one of the highlights of our trip.
Next to a large platform were 3 stupas, reminiscent of the ones at Borobudur, glowing in the sunset light, with the expanse of paddy fields beyond them. The sun was setting and there was warm glow to the pavilions and the rooms of the hotel.
It's quite magical being in the middle of the paddy fields as the sun sets and the crickets, frogs and insects start their nightly chorus only to be joined moments later by the call to prayer from three or four mosques that dot the countryside close to where the hotel is located. For some reason every mosque announces the adzan as loudly as possible via aging loudspeakers almost as if it's a competition to see who can be the loudest and most strident.
Looking across the paddy fields to Rumah Dharma and Borobudur in the distance.
The experience of finding unique places such as Rumah Dharma are the great reward that travel offers us.
Update: it looks like there have been some changes since I stayed there, and the place looks even more impressive with its infinity pool. Check it out on Tripadvisor.